Status Update
A few lines, in this period of transition, to let you know how things are progressing:Continue reading
Regarding my multisite environment
26/07/2018 15:52 Indexed under: Orga-Tech Watch | Integrative Watch
With the launch date of WordPress 5.0 (1) nearing close, and a feedback forum under maintenance (2) which is likely to keep me busy the whole summer, the time is right for a status update on the purpose and the architecture of my CMS-enabled multisite environment, in development since 2014.Continue reading
Latest Publications
29/06/2018 17:49 Indexed under: Legal Watch | Integrative Watch
As you might have noticed, the article pertaining to the enforcement of the GDPR, which I announced in my status update of 2018-05-17, has extended into a full special edition (1) that you can as of now add to your folder of catch-up feeds.Continue reading
Status Update
17/05/2018 15:15 Indexed under: Legal Watch | Integrative Watch
Knowing that Apple’s annual WWDC usually brings its share of novelties, which impact, to varying degrees, the many building blocks of my recommended conceptual "Mac 1 configuration", I have decided, a few days from the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), to update my publication agenda as follows:Continue reading
I’m dropping a short note before the next status update to let you know that I republished my Infolio module yesterday:
- From the subdomain location:, - To the new multi-domain address:
Happy New Year!
01/01/2018 00:00 Indexed under: Foreword | Societal Watch | Legal Watch | Economic Watch | Orga-Tech Watch | Cultural Watch | Integrative Watch | Scientific Watch