360° of Conceptual Transparency

Regarding my multisite environment

With the launch date of WordPress 5.0 (1) nearing close, and a feedback forum under maintenance (2) which is likely to keep me busy the whole summer, the time is right for a status update on the purpose and the architecture of my CMS-enabled multisite environment, in development since 2014.

As you might know if you have subscribed to my RSS feeds (3), this installation, which counts five WordPress.org modules and four MySQL databases, is declared under the "Specs prototype" (4) tag of my concept presentation website (Metafolio). Among those five CMS modules, only the feedback forum is not access-restricted, as it serves the primary purpose of enabling me to provide a return on "Super-Admin-level experience (5)" against the background of my feasibility audit.

As integrated building blocks of the concept demonstration path which covers my "upstream configuration" (dedicated to the estimation of the "liabilities of reference" pertaining to the master franchising system’s meta-reporting perimeter), the modules of this multisite installation will not be made available to the target audiences before they have been entirely upgraded to WordPress 5.0, and on the indispensable condition that the financial guarantees which will enable me to safely solve the problem-solving cycle pertaining to this global management dashboard issue have been brought to me.

In other words: as soon as my "multisite demo" is entirely available at "https://www.daniela-berndt.foundation/…/", the web services presented therein will be in production at "https://www.net-plus-ultra.tld".

My Keynote pertaining to the "Development of a dedicated multisite solution", which you will find on the Slidefolio page (6) of the present website, provides an overview of what remains for me to publish. To localize these modules inside my concept demonstration path, please refer to the "Demo path" pane of the meta-reporting dashboard matrix presented at step 1 of my Testfolio Omega (7).

I will update you again in August, on the occasion of the inauguration of v1.6/2018 of my feedback forum.

Daniela BERNDT
This post in French / German

Further reading
  1. WordPress.org: Version 5.0
  2. Dashfolio: Matrix module: Archive of v1
  3. Metafolio 2014: Agenda: RSS feeds
  4. Metafolio 2014: Agenda: Specs prototypes
  5. WordPress.org: Codex: Roles and capabilities
  6. Dashfolio 2018: Slidefolio
  7. Testfolio Omega: Step 1