Happy Holiday Season!
23/12/2018 14:02 Indexed under: Societal Watch
Things are conceptually revolving around the point zero circle on the side of the instruction, in the form of a "statutory sanitation" which is taking the turn of a "reactivation" of my initial request to the French State Council (1).Continue reading
Remasterization of my Namefolio
01/09/2018 17:59 Indexed under: Societal Watch | Integrative Watch
Considering that an entirely specs-oriented author domain name hosted under ".foundation" such as mine can become quite a "beta blocker" over time, in terms of entering in contact, and that a concept solution such as a "business card module (profile page or website)" is still missing - by default - at all web service levels of the master franchising infrastructure in development, I have remastered my Namefolio (1) towards the conceptual resolution of this twofold issue.Continue reading
Status Update
17/05/2018 15:15 Indexed under: Legal Watch | Integrative Watch
Knowing that Apple’s annual WWDC usually brings its share of novelties, which impact, to varying degrees, the many building blocks of my recommended conceptual "Mac 1 configuration", I have decided, a few days from the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), to update my publication agenda as follows:Continue reading
Status Update
Now that the remastering works initiated in 2017 are completed as far as the specifications modules created with RapidWeaver 7 (which provides for v2.0/2017+ of all my websites) are concerned, the time is right for a status update pertaining to the draft publication agenda which I unveiled early this year.Continue reading
I’m dropping a short note before the next status update to let you know that I republished my Infolio module yesterday:
- From the subdomain location:
https://infolio.daniela-berndt.foundation, - To the new multi-domain address: https://www.daniela-berndt.pro.
Program Status Update
10/01/2018 16:23 Indexed under: Foreword | Integrative Watch
Where do we stand as compared to last year at the same period? Following is a comprehensive answer in the form of an overview of the categories and keywords which define this year’s agenda.Continue reading
Happy New Year!
01/01/2018 00:00 Indexed under: Foreword | Societal Watch | Legal Watch | Economic Watch | Orga-Tech Watch | Cultural Watch | Integrative Watch | Scientific Watch