Program Status Update
10/01/2018 16:23 Indexed under: Foreword | Integrative Watch
Where do we stand as compared to last year at the same period? Following is a comprehensive answer in the form of an overview of the categories and keywords which define this year’s agenda.
Societal Web Watch:
With a concept demonstration path (almost entirely) remastered into a confirmation that the underlying proof of concept is a legitimate solution to the structural system default mentioned in my inaugural post of 2017-01-21 (1), all I can do at this point is update the latter…which means that we are starting into this new year under the same conditions as in 2017.Keywords of the tags list:
Infolio, Datafolio, Playfolio, Namefolio, Rightsfolio
Legal Web Watch:
In legal terms, the request that I made to the French and German administrations as part of my remastering works of 2017 is still "pending settlement" (in terms of the applicable nomenclature to be conceptualized) with regard to the issue of the twofold (moral and financial) recognition of the status of the "web franchised citizen" which I have created against the background of the development of my web concept solution. Whereby the said procedure is comparable to a reactivation of my request of May 2005 (2).Keywords:
Blogfolio 2013, Dashfolio 2014-2015-2016-2017
Economic Web Watch:
The funding of the web service (in development under "daniela-berndt" and) hosted at "net-plus-ultra" is therefore still pending as well, which does not change anything to my consolidation of 2016-01-20 (3), nor to my conclusions of 2016-10-20 (4), or to what I personally still have to implement, as the initiator of this web franchising program.Keywords:
Lifefolio, Exterfolio, Gridfolio
Orga-Tech Web Watch:
In organizational and technical terms, this means that I will not (be enabled to) greenlight my web franchising service for production inside the planned "Performance 3" environment (to be dedicated [5]) before the pending status issue is settled in conceptual compliance with my request to the administrations.Keywords:
Checkfolio, Testfolio Alpha, Testfolio Omega
Cultural Web Watch:
Therefore, caution is advised: contrary to rumor indeed, absolutely NOTHING is "in the making" in terms of the effective production of my system’s registration portal. Notwithstanding the above, the estimation of liabilities (defined as the service implementation costs established throughout my feasibility audit) can continue under my "daniela-berndt" domain names.Keywords:
Dashfolio 2018, Techfolio
Integrative Web Watch:
In terms of conceptual integrity, we can therefore reasonably conclude from the present situation that the latter constitutes a proof of "system failure to assist endangered independent knowledge professionals", considering that the web franchising solution which I have developed is conceived so as to resolve, in one single master concept, all problems arising from such statuses and regulations (nomenclatures included) which are obsolescent with regard to the requirements of a web franchising network worthy of that name, such as NetPlusUltra®. All of which should actually be welcomed as good news, since there is absolutely no point in abusively maintaining the status quo…Keywords:
Extrafolio, Metafolio, Specsfolio
Scientific Web Watch:
As a matter of consequence, my agenda 2018 is the following:Work in progress: project closure 2017, budget closure 2018, and finishing of my remastering works with regard to the issues which were raised along the way (optimization of website images according to responsive standards, update of legal notices, adoption of inclusive writing, verification of broken links, etc.).
As regards my "daniela-berndt" specifications pending recognition: debriefing of the production costs pertaining to the capitalization "Base+" which I have constituted throughout the development of my concept demonstration path (during incubation phase 2/3), access-restricted modules included.
As regards my "net-plus-ultra" web franchising service pending funding: debriefing of the technical improvements which have already been initiated "under the hood", as part of this publication phase 2/3 which is closing to an end.
Dashfolio 2018, Techfolio
See you later!